Getting An Understanding Of Chronic Pain

Getting An Understanding Of Chronic Pain

Nobody wants to suffer from any form of pain, and the worst is the pain that just won’t go away – chronic pain. There has been a survey conducted by Boston Scientific which showed that out of over 500 people who were suffering from chronic pain, 60% of them were dissatisfied with their treatments or therapies.

One such person who can relate to this dissatisfaction is professional golfer Grant Waite. Due to the movements that are involved with golf, there is a lot of stress directed on the back. Although Grant had multiple surgeries done none of them provided him with relief. He was not even able to function properly while he was taking his prescription medications.

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He was unable to get out of bed, play golf, or even spend time with his family 12 years ago. Nobody wants to be in that situation, but sadly the CDC reports that more than 50 million people nationwide suffer from chronic pain, and are struggling with this pain for upwards of 6 months unable to find relief.

The Seriousness of Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is one of the most common reasons that adult individuals go to seek medical care. It has been linked to various things such as restrictions of mobility and essential activities, an overdependence on opioids, or even depression and anxiety, and overall reduced quality of life.

A Drug-free Alternative for Chronic Pain Relief

While there are so many people experiencing chronic pain, there are sadly less than half that were surveyed were aware that there are drug-free, minimally invasive, interventional therapies available which assist with patient’s recovery so that they can get back to doing the activities they love and a get a hold of their lives once more.

Grant Waite decided to finally get help from a pain management specialist. These specialists are trained so that they can address acute pain as well as chronic pain. After contacting a specialist, he learned about spinal cord stimulation.

Spinal Cord Stimulation is FDA-approved and is an implanted medical device that works to interrupt pain signals so that they do not reach the brain. It can be personalized to meet a patient’s needs and, unlike some surgical procedures, is entirely reversible.

When receiving SCS, patients will first go through a trial period where they may evaluate and adjust the amount of pain relief that is delivered before they settle on a permanent implant.

Getting the Attention You Deserve

A new survey conducted has shown that 94% of people who suffer from chronic pain would try out FDA-approved, drug-free alternatives that will help to manage chronic pain, although there are still less than half of those surveyed that have ever gone to see a pain specialist.

For patients who experience pain in their lower back, legs, or feet Spinal Cord Stimulation can offer you an experience that is tailored just to your needs that can work to treat various areas of pain all at the same time.

If you are experiencing pain in other areas of your body such as the groin or buttocks, then perhaps radiofrequency ablation is to be conducted. This technique sends small currents to interrupt pain signals.


For whatever type of chronic pain that you are experiencing, make sure you get the treatment needed before it becomes unbearable. The experts at Genesis Wellness Clinic are ready and willing to help you towards recovery.

Whether you require treatment via Spinal Cord Stimulation, radiofrequency ablation, or various other available techniques, the professionals at Genesis Wellness Clinic will get you the care you need, and show you exactly why they are such specialists in their field.

Don’t let chronic pain control your life. Get the help that you need so that you can get a hold of your life once more. If you live in or around the Tampa area, don’t hesitate to visit Genesis Wellness Clinic so that you can say goodbye to chronic pain.

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